With rounded edges, the possibility of adjustment and curved tip for easier pickup, Dome-Top® does away with the small, time-consuming issues that sometimes occur when working with cable ties.

The two-piece design incorporates a stainless steel locking barb which provides infinite adjustability through entire bundle range. High loop tensile strength exceeds industry standards and the patented low thread force design reduces operator fatigue and improves productivity. The cable tie has a unique patented design with rounded edges and a curved tip, which makes it easy to pick up from flat surfaces.


This comprehensive product line offers several styles, materials, and colors for a broad range of applications that require high strength and superior performance.

See our selection and order Dome-Top® in our webshop.

If you want to know more about Dome-Top® or other cable ties for your specific purpose, contact our expert Gitte Remmer on tel. +45 43 20 86 48 or

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